McAfee Creator Arrested for DUI Drink Driving

John McAfee, creator of the famous anti-virus software named after him, was arrested for DUI Drink Driving at the State of Tennessee in the US.

Skynews reports that McAfee was also charged with possession of firearms as they discovered a gun in his car. The software mogul’s Dangerous Driving antics has caused him AUD 6,800 in bail. 

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Upon release, McAfee said in an interview with CNBC, “I was impaired, I must admit.”

It seems like the McAfee can fight any computer virus but cannot Evade Police as much as he wants to. He was questioned for the murder of his former neighbor in Belize back in 2012, accused of stalking a property manager, and jailed in Guatemala for illegally entering the country.

The eccentric millionaire also has a penchant for controversy. He released a viral and verbally graphic video with drugs and women in skimpy clothes on the background while instructing you how to uninstall McAfee antivirus software.

DUI Drink Driving Drug Driving Wiseman Lawyers Brisbane Qld

Intel already distanced itself from McAfee by renaming the anti-virus software to Intel Security much to the founder’s delight. McAfee said he was “elated beyond description” as he had nothing to do with the company for 20 years.

McAfee started the antivirus firm McAfee Associates in 1987 and left in 1994, cashing in around USD 100 million. He then got the media’s attention with his millionaire living antics.

This latest DUI Drink Driving arrest is another delinquency added to McAfee’s growing list of legal mishaps. 

Queenslanders charged with DUI Drink Driving, Drug Driving or Fail To Provide Specimen face a maximum penalty of a lifetime driver’s licence disqualification, 9 months imprisonment and 28 penalty units.
Persons charged with Careless Driving (Drive Without Due Care & Attention) face a maximum penalty of a lifetime driver’s licence disqualification, 6 months imprisonment and 40 penalty units.
Queenslanders charged with Dangerous Driving, which is a Criminal offence, face a maximum penalty, depending upon the circumstances of aggravation, of 5 years imprisonment, 200 penalty units and a lifetime driver’s licence disqualification.
Persons charged with Disqualified Driving face a maximum penalty of a lifetime driver’s licence disqualification, 12 months imprisonment and 40 penalty units.
Queenslanders charged with Evade Police a maximum penalty of 3 years imprisonment, 200 penalty units and a lifetime licence disqualification.
Persons charged with Repeat DUI Drink Driving, Repeat Drug Driving, Repeat Fail To Provide Specimen, or a Repeat combination of these offences, face a maximum penalty of a lifetime driver’s licence disqualification, 18 months imprisonment and 60 penalty units.
A penalty unit in Queensland is currently worth $113.85.
In addition to the above penalties, anyone who pleads or is found guilty in the Magistrates Court must pay the Offender Levy, which is presently worth $110.90.
Magistrates have a general power to impose up to a lifetime driver’s licence disqualification, above and beyond any legislated disqualification ranges.
Wiseman Lawyers specialise in DUI Drink Driving, Drug Driving, Careless & Dangerous Driving, Evade Police and Drug, Alcohol & Traffic offences.