Drug Driving Teen Gets Arrested Twice in 10 Hours

According to NJ, Nicholas Cosair, 19, was arrested twice for causing two vehicular incidents in the span of 10 hours.

The teen caused heavy traffic and a road detour after crashing into a utility pole at 9:50 p.m. on Tuesday night.

A crew was still working to repair the damage at the time of the second crash. Police were informed that a Chevy pickup truck rear-ended a Honda Civic. The suspect then fled the scene in the pickup.

DUI Drink Driving Drug Driving Wiseman Lawyers Brisbane Qld

Cosair was arrested and charged with Drug Driving, police said. He was later released following his first arrest but arrested again shortly after the second crash.

The Drug Driving teen was charged with Drug Driving as well as Dangerous Driving.

Jacquelin Latronico, the teen’s mum, was also arrested and charged for allowing Cosair to operate a vehicle while impaired.

Both mum and son were released pending a court date.

DUI Drink Driving Drug Driving Wiseman Lawyers Brisbane Qld

Queenslanders charged with DUI Drink Driving, Drug Driving or Fail To Provide Specimen face a maximum penalty of a lifetime driver’s licence disqualification, 9 months imprisonment and 28 penalty units.
Persons charged with Careless Driving (Drive Without Due Care & Attention) face a maximum penalty of a lifetime driver’s licence disqualification, 6 months imprisonment and 40 penalty units.
Queenslanders charged with Dangerous Driving, which is a Criminal offence, face a maximum penalty, depending upon the circumstances of aggravation, of 5 years imprisonment, 200 penalty units and a lifetime driver’s licence disqualification.
Persons charged with Disqualified Driving face a maximum penalty of a lifetime driver’s licence disqualification, 12 months imprisonment and 40 penalty units.
Queenslanders charged with Evade Police a maximum penalty of 3 years imprisonment, 200 penalty units and a lifetime licence disqualification.
Persons charged with Repeat DUI Drink Driving, Repeat Drug Driving, Repeat Fail To Provide Specimen, or a Repeat combination of these offences, face a maximum penalty of a lifetime driver’s licence disqualification, 18 months imprisonment and 60 penalty units.
A penalty unit in Queensland is currently worth $113.85.
In addition to the above penalties, anyone who pleads or is found guilty in the Magistrates Court must pay the Offender Levy, which is presently worth $110.90.
Magistrates have a general power to impose up to a lifetime driver’s licence disqualification, above and beyond any legislated disqualification ranges.
Wiseman Lawyers specialise in DUI Drink Driving, Drug Driving, Careless & Dangerous Driving, Evade Police and Drug, Alcohol & Traffic offences.